Sunday, March 31, 2013


It has been raining a looot here recently, and it has been a pain to take photos of my nails. Since it's rather dark. I'm sick of rain, I wish it started rainbowing :)
I did this for a  nail art competition at Nails by Kayla Shevonne. I used Hypnotize Me for the green gradient and topped it with Happy Ending, both by Cult Nails.

And I did a facebook page for Brush Me Blush. Check it out!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Liebster Award

I have been nominated to the Liebster award by the author of the Nail Doodle.

I was actually nominated a while ago, but never felt like doing a post about. I am simply really lazy. As it turns out you have to have less than 200 followers to be nominated, and I have only three to go. So, it was about time to do the post.

For those that don't know, the liebster award is basically like a "you are great" chain mail.
The official rules are:

  1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Ask 11 questions from the people you are nominating
  4. Find 11 blogs with less than 200 followers and nominate them
Facts about myself

1. I can't drink water. Not a single glass. Not even on a extremely hot day.
2. I am a tea addict. I drink about 4 liters of tea per day. Yikes. Tea is literally the only thing I drink
3. I adore cycling. In the past summer rode 45 km every single day. (I lost 5 kg.)
4. My laptop is always near me when I paint my nails. Therefore my laptop is covered in all kinds of paint and polish splatter.
5. I have the ability of completely embarrassing myself in every possible situation.
6. on the note of the previous fact. While I am living in Spain, my Spanish is rather poor. This has led to a lot of awkward conversations like:
Someone: Do I look bad without makeup?
Me: (I was not listening at all so I just smiled and said) Yes. 
(oh god why)
7. I constantly use google translate to check spelling.
8. I would die without an Internet connection.
9. I have been told that I have a very expressive face. I guess that's true. Because I once made a girl cry by saying: You look so slim. I have no idea what was the expression I showed, but it was enough to make her cry.
10. I skipped number 5.
11. Ok, I really didn't but I made you look didn't I.

The questions asked by Nail Doodle.

1) What was the last nail polish you bought?
It was Sugar Matte 646 by Kiko. It's the most gorgeous textured polish in black and silver. Matte finish but very sparkly. I bought it about a month ago.

2) Do you use Indie Nail polishes? If so, which is your favorite. 
I have never tried a single indie polish.

3) How do you photograph your manicures? 
I use natural light from my living room window. I have fat hands so I almost always wrap my hands in some kind of cloth. I use a Panasonic dmc-lx7 camera to photograph my nails. I adore this camera the macro is insane, it captures even the most miniature details. Some which I couldn't notice with the bare eye. Before I used the camera on my samsung galaxy 3 (3 not s3). It has the most fantastic macro I have ever seen on a mobile phone. It's is a looot worse than the camera but if you are in the right light in the right pose you can get pretty fantastic photos. Here is a photo taken with my phone.

4) Would you rather develop polish or review polish? 
Oh, I would adore developing my own polish. But it's rather hard to get the perfect colored/sized glitter and what it the glitter dissolves, and there are a million other problems. It's very time and recourse consuming. On the other hand I also love swatching. But the €1 class of polishes I buy aren't very swatchable. Swaching may be a lot less time consuming but it's definitely more expensive. However I would adore swatching if I could get the polish for free :D
5) What is your favorite nail art technique? 
Freehand. I rarely use any other.

6) How do you store your polish loot? 
I store my polishes in cleaned plastic candy boxes.
7) If you could move to a foreign country which one would it be? 
Well, I am a foreign student living in Spain. But if I had to choose a new one it would be any country with English as a native language.

8) Do you listen to movies or music when you are doing your nails? 
Nope, I am in complete silence. When I am painting mu nails I completely block out the rest of the world.
9) Do you have a favorite quote? If so please share it! 
Well I don't. 

10) Would you rather have every shade of crème polish or glitter polish? 
Every single shade??? Oh, that would be amazing. I would choose creme.

11) What is your favorite cartoon?
I don't have one.

Questions I am asking from my nominees.
1. Name your top five favorite nail blogs.
2. Why did you start blogging?
3. From which brand do you own the most nail polishes? How many?
4. How many nail polishes do you own.
5. How did you get into nail art? 
6. What's your favorite manicure so far.
7. What's your dream job?
8. What's your favorite color of nail polish?
9. What countries have you visited?
10. What other hobbies do you have?
11. Name something (non-academic) you would love to learn.

The Blogs I nominated.

Oh whoa, that was a lot of writing.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Baby Dragon Nail Art

As I have said before, I adore dragons. In this case I did the baby version. The background was done in a circular gradient. A circular gradient is done by painting a circle on a piece of sponge, then paint a circle around it in a darker color, repeat if wanted. This is actually the only nail art design on this blog that hasn't been entered to a competition. It is a very competition poor time of the year. So, if you know of any let me know.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Leopard Nail Art

So, I have entered the Tip Top Nail nail art competition. The theme was hearts and animal print, and you could only use pink, red, purple, nude, brown and black. Which of course was a pain and I am not pleased with the actual animal print however I am rather fond of the leopard.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Scream of the Tyrannosaurus

Actually, I was planning on doing the scream of the wolf. But, I realized that is has probably been done thousands of times. Sooo... why not Tyrannosaurus nail art. 
While the idea was good, I am not pleased with the execution. The night landscape is too blue and there are too many stars. Okayokayokay, it's quite awesome.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Koi Fish Nail Art

This is my entry to a nail art contest held at Lydia's Nail Art.
The theme of the contest is anything that means spring to me.
Generally spring means the melting of ice to me, due to my Estonian nationality. As I have been living in Spain for about a year, I haven't seen snow in ages. But I still remember going to the house of my grandparents, who live right next to a lake. I would sit on the winter-worn (please let that be a existing word) bridge and watch the fish splash in the recently unfrozen lake. Happy to finally be saved worm the freezing winter. It's makes you feel inspired in some way.
So for today's manicure I have chosen to do fish. Well technically the fish I would watch were pikes. Now, those are not good looking fish. So I drifted a bit off theme and did Koi fish instead.
The design was originally black, white and red. I thought it was rather boring so I added a glitter top coat, not realizing it had a jelly base. You should have heard me shriek when I wound out. I do the weirdest shriek when I mess something up, it's not like the usual feminine shriek every girl does. It's like a crow got stuck between something. Anyway, I think the pink, red and black version is awesome as well :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cult nails-Hypnotize Me

I saved the best for the last. This polish is my definite favorite of the cult nail polishes I own. In the picture it's applied on top of a mint green nail polish ("424" by Flomar). It dries in 1,5 minutes. It is thicker than the rest of the polishes and considerably harder to apply. It also can't be worn without a base color. I used two coats for the green and one for the blue. 
But it has the most amazing feature, it turns blue with black base color. So after finding that out I started applying it over every color I own. Unfortunately there weren't any significant changes to the polish. But I am a sucker for everything navy and glittery. Strongly and passionately in love with this polish. It reminds me of "Jacob's Protection" by Essence. The last bottle of which was bought right before my eyes, and I have been searching for it ever since. You can buy this vampy gorgeousness for $12 from here.

Cult Nails- Coveted

Coveted is a deep green metallic jelly polish with green flakes. It has a wonderful texture like all of the cult nail polishes I have tried, and it's easy to apply. It reminds me of beetles, which is odd since I have never really seen a beetle. It's painted over bare nails. I used 2 coats. One coat of this dried in 2 minutes. A bottle of 15ml can be bought  from the Cult Nails website for $12.

Since I don't know how to review a top coat, I am just going to give you a short description of it here. The top coat is called wicked fast, and that's just what it is. It's insanely fast drying, the polish dried in 35 seconds. I mean it dried completely hard in just 35 sec. I am seriously impressed. It didn't get any bubbles either. The formula is thin but easy to apply. You can buy a 15ml bottle of it for $10.

Cult Nails- I Got Distracted

I Got Distracted has a deep dark jelly base with holographic shimmer and green glitter. In the picture you can see the nail polish over bare nails. It is almost opaque in one layer. It reminds me of dark winter night sky. It's extremely rich in glitter, therefore the perfect eye catcher. I used 2 coats. The formula is thick and very easy to apply. A coat of this polish dries in about 2 minutes (measured with stopper). You can buy a 15ml bottle of this for $12 at the cult nails website.

Cult Nails- Happy Ending

Happy Saturday to everyone!
As some/none of you know I won the 1 year blogaversary Contest at Kelise's Nail Files.
The prize was $40 worth of Cult nails nail polish. I have been drooling over cult nail polish for ages.
And I finally got my hands (or nails) on some.

 Look how cutely they were packed. Each one in their separate tissue and surrounded by cotton balls, all stikered up. The postman could have played football with the package and the nail polish would have been in prefect shape.
I Got Distracted-Wicked Fast-Happy Ending-Coveted-Hypnotize Me
I am going to do 4 posts because I feel like it's more orderly. So here is my first swatch.
Happy Ending is a gorgeous nail polish rich with shredded glitter in gold, orange, pink, and teal. The formula is great, the polish is rather thin but you don't have to fish for the glitter. In the picture to polish is shown (obviously) over black nail polish. It dried in 60 seconds, which is amazing in my opinion. I used two coats of the polish. In the corner you can see a flower test. Which I have just invented. It shows the opacity of the polish in one brushstroke. As you can see the glitter applies evenly. In conclusion I am very pleased with this polish. You can buy this at the official cult nails web page for $7.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mini Hello Kitty Nails

Today's post will be featuring the nails of a little friend of mine.

I was asked to do hello kitty nails for a 9 year old girl. Since (almost) nobody is as patient as me, I chose a simple glitter background. I made the kittys before on plastic, and later top coated on. I did it so the time the manicure takes would be minimized. However even with this wasn't fast enough. But I think the nails look quite good.