
I’m a nail enthusiast living and practicing in Spain, constantly in the search of inspiration. I consider myself involved in the hobby since August 2012. Although relatively new in nail art, I have always been into creative activities and excited about femininity and fashion. I think that the great deal of openness, flexibility and hunger for the new in my family has had an impact on my ability to mold my ideas into results and share with others. My life with my dear ones has been all about liveliness, innovative thinking and shared goals. Ever since I can remember, I have always felt free to be exactly who I am, do with my life as I please and choose whatever path I wish to take. I have always had the liberty to dream, to live, to love and to follow my heart improvising, asking questions, risking, failing and making quick decisions on my journeys. Now, my plan is to become the hell of a good nail artist ;))) Being autodidact, I am operating as my own personal skill developer :P So, you are more than welcome to post hints and tips of any kind. Anyway, thank you for following the process of my development! I hope you enjoy my blog and my art updates on it!


  1. wow, your entries are AMAZING! do you have twitter/tumblr/facebook?

    1. Thank you :). No, sorry brush me blush doesn't have tumblr/facebook. But it does have quite inactive twitter account (@brushmeblush). I have been thinking about creating tumblr and facebook account. Should I?

    2. You definitely should! I mean, you have so much talent, and will probably have a lot of people wanting to contact you :) I, for example. :) Love your work!
